Monday 3 March 2008

Hectic Weekend!

What a fantastic start to the weekend with our student social at Annabel's on Friday night. Jo's blog gives the full low down and I completely agree with her comments - I think the instructors and students that performed did a fantastic job and are a real credit to the Art of Dance.
I was a sucker for punishment the next day as I took an invert masterclass at 12.15. Well done to my ladies who turned up for this and especially as two of them then stayed on with myself to do Nixi's dance class - we were starting to feel the effects of an hour upside down when Nixi was telling us to be relaxed and flowing! Still another great dance class by Nixi and I must have been mad but really enjoyed Jo's hour of terror. I actually managed not to wimp out of the shoulder mounts - yes I know I'm a bit of a wimp when I know it's going to hurt. Mia if you're reading - well done and Jo says I have to make you do it this be warned!!! Well after 3 hours in the studio - it wasn't over for me as I was back in teaching Saturday night. By the time I got home and put my feet up I think I was well deserving of that glass (well rather big glass)of red wine. A little indulgence while I gossiped to my friend Julia for nearly 2 hours - the only reason I stopped was my battery went flat!
Sunday was more relaxing. I didn't get to see my Mum as she is some 260 miles away so I had sent her a present and some roses which are her favourite flowers so she was chuffed when I spoke with her on the phone. My brother was spending the evening with her and she was seeing a friend in the afternoon so she was kept busy and spoilt. For those of you wondering my Mum is doing really well since we lost Dad in November last year and I'm really proud of her. She's been socialising with her friends more and she's even booked a 2 week holiday in June to Tenerife. It's still quite raw for her and she doesn't sleep much but she knows she has to move on as that is what Dad wanted. Love you Mum. xxx
Well Steve and I enjoyed a lovely lunch with his Mum and his family at Zucca's - for a set menu the food was rather good. We then took a stroll into town and bought a DVD to watch with his kids that evening as they were staying with us. Dinner was from the curry man that night so really indulged on Sunday - good job I put in all those hours on Saturday!
I had a crap night sleep last night so was pretty tired when I woke up but as the day progressed I felt ok and was ready and looking forward to my class in Exeter. Hello to our two new students Amanda and Tahnee - what a fantastic achievement for their first night. We worked more on arms tonight so I know you will all be aching tomorrow. I will see you all again next week and just an advance warning but we won't be holding a class on Easter Monday as Sweat & Stretch will be shut. I'll teaching my regular Thursday night in the Plymouth studio and anything else Sam sends my way!!!
Enjoy your week and see you all soon


2 comments: said...

Hi Rosanna,

I better warn Mia about tomorrow's class in case she hasn't seen this already!

See you Sunday x

MrsG said...

Bring it on... :-)